Friday, October 26, 2012

Grace Potter "Stars"

On the air, and on the blog, I've been open about my mixed feeling about Grace Potter.

On the one hand, she has fully won me over on the idea that she is an immensely talented singer, songwriter and performer.  She's harnessed some incredible charisma and the intricacies of a wielding a powerful voice.

On the other hand, since first being won over by her earthy early work, her recordings have moved into the direction of slicker, more-commercial arena-ready rock.  That's not the worst thing---I like arena-ready rock bands like The Foo Fighters---I just got on the Grace-bus thinking she was going in a different direction.  But harder for me to embrace was the make-over.

She went blond and started dressing (in promotional materials anyway) like a "Star."  Wind machines were deployed.  Marketing opportunities snatched up. 

Pairing this with the more commercial nature of her work, I just felt like authenticity was being traded in for commercial viability.

We skipped the 2nd single from her latest record because I just couldn't bring myself to add it to mvy.  But then I was sent the clip below.  It's a VH1 Storytellers performance of their 3rd single, "Stars," with a long intro where Grace explains what the song is about.

I won't spoil it, but I will say, Get a box of tissues handy.

It reminded me of why I was won over by Grace Potter in the first place.

See the official video on Youtube.

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