Monday, October 8, 2012

Counting Crows "1492"

So a dream has been fulfilled . . .

While I did hit my 1,000th post a couple of months ago which was a big goal of mine, the other goal I had was to make sure I posted 365 days in a row.

Last year, on Columbus Day, I was out of town and out of computer range, and a post that I had automatically set up to go, didn't launch.  But I haven't missed a day since.

So yeah!  365 posts in a row!

Now on to the original (and slight) copy . . . .


Well . . . there just aren't that many songs about Columbus Day are there?

So here's a song that's, well, it's not really about Columbus. But it's got his name in it, right?!?

See the video on Youtube.

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