Friday, September 3, 2010

Brendan James "The Fall"

I try not to pay too much attention to such things, but I find myself actually falling for this.

Record promoters will often try to sell me a song by saying, "It's a great song for summer!"

Uh, if it's a great song, it should be great all year long.

That being said, when this Brendan James song came out a few months ago, I thought it was a little boring. I'm definitely a fan of Brendan James. "Green" (which you can still download for free on our website) still sounds strong four years later. However, "The Fall" wasn't doing it for me.

But I didn't get rid of it. I let it hang around on my iTunes list of songs to consider for mvy airplay. And a funny thing happened.

Just in the last week, when this song has come around, I've pricked up my ears. It sounds strong. It sounds like it would work for, yes, The Fall.

What do you think?

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